5 Extra Finishing Abrasive is an acid based coating & crystallizing abrasive. The acid in the abrasive reacts with the marble to form a hard impenetrable transparent layer. This layer not only gives an excellent gloss and richness of color but also seals and hardens the marble surface. Also Know As: Finishing Abrasives, Marble Finishing Abrasives, Surface Finishing Abrasives, Stone Finishing Abrasives, Floor Finishing Abrasives etc.
It is a non acid formulation buffing abrasive. It is used on marble directly after the 5X abrasive. The buffing action of the abrasive gives a glossy layer, enhances color and also has a cleaning action. Also Know As: Marble Cleaner Abrasives.
This is a non acid formulation buffing abrasive. It is used on non calcareous materials such as mable and granite. The buffing action of the abrasive gives a glossy layer, enhances color and also has a cleaning action. These abrasives impart the wet look on Marble and Granite. This abrasive is manufactured in Frankfurt, Fickert, Butterfly and 4" Snail Lock shapes. Also Know As: Floor Buffing Abrasives, Buffing Abrasives, Finishing Abrasive Buff, Marble Buffing Abrasives, Stone Buffing Abrasives, Surface Buffing Abrasives etc.
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